Howard Shore’s Score for The Fly Re-Released on Vinyl

Fans have another chance to pick up this fine score to the classic film!

By Jay Gervais

If you missed out on owning Howard Shore’s (The Silence of the Lambs) classic score to 1986’s The Fly on vinyl, Varèse Sarabande is giving you one more chance to pick it up and add it to your collection. This latest release from the retailer features a fancy “Teleporter Fog Green” vinyl and comes enclosed in standard packaging. Check it out below.


The Fly was a 1986 film directed by David Cronenberg (Scanners, Videodrome) and starred Jeff Goldblum (Jurassic Park, Independence Day) as Seth Brundle, Geena Davis (Beetlejuice) as Veronica Quaife, and John Getz (Zodiac, The Fly II) as Stathis Borans.

This is honestly a fantastic score with Howard Shore’s memorable “Main Title,” and fans are sure to remember tracks like “Plasma Pool” and the emotional “The Last Visit.” Shore was a frequent collaborator with director Cronenberg and the two worked together on films like Scanners, Videodrome, and Dead Ringers, all of which helped lay down the foundation for his illustrious career and eventually lead him to major accomplishments like the The Lord of the Rings trilogy and its prequel film series, The Hobbit.

If you’re interested in picking this vinyl up, head on over to Varèse Sarabande today. This one will knock you down $24.98 along with any associated shipping costs

About the Author

Jay Gervais

From small town to big city and back again, Jay was born and raised in Canada and has lived his whole life there. He’s always ready to cut down any misconceptions his American friends have of life in the great white north. He’s also no stranger to this kind of community, and has plenty of experience under his bed. He enjoys all kinds of horror entertainment, as long as it’s got the heart and soul to it. When he’s not doing something here, he can be found at his post at the night’s watch, or knee deep into his school studies.