Nintendo Scares Up Trailer, First Details for Luigi’s Mansion 3
We hear busting ghosts is all the rage these days.
During this year’s Nintendo Direct show at E3, fans were treated to an unexpected surprise in the form of a second sequel to ghost hunting series Luigi’s Mansion, tentatively titled Luigi’s Mansion 3, coming to the Nintendo Switch in 2019. The plot this time finds Luigi and his friends taking a vacation to a luxurious hotel, only for them to go missing shortly thereafter, leaving the younger Mario brother all alone in a haunted madhouse.
Utilizing his new ghost-sucking vacuum, the Poltergust G-00, which boasts a few tricks such as firing toilet plungers or allowing for jet propulsion, it’s up to Luigi to save the day once again. Perhaps the strangest, yet most enjoyable new gameplay feature is Luigi’s ability to summon a gelatin-like clone of himself, dubbed Gooigi. This gooey counterpart is shown in the trailer squeezing through locked bars and even through metal floor spikes unharmed to reach a treasure chest.
The trailer at Nintendo Direct also showcased that Luigi’s Mansion 3 will have a multiplayer component called ScareScraper. It is both cooperative and competitive, placing players together to clear rooms of ghosts while also competing against each other to collect the most coins and complete various challenges. And yes, Gooigi can be played in co-op. ScareScraper mode will be available as both local couch co-op as well as through Nintendo Switch Online.
Don’t forget that in the meantime, players will be able to pick up the remake of the original Luigi’s Mansion for the Nintendo 3DS on October 12th. Hopefully that will hold you over until Luigi’s Mansion 3 is released sometime later this year, perhaps in time for the holiday season.
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