Metro Exodus Gets Deluxe Collector's Edition
The upcoming game's Spartan Edition is chock full of goodies.

The third game in the first-person survival horror Metro series, Metro Exodus, is getting a wickedly-cool collector's edition. Deep Silver and 4A games have just revealed the contents of this "Spartan Edition," which all comes in a gigantic barrel based on those found in-game. Inside the barrel, owners will receive a 10.5" statue of series protagonist Artyom fighting a Watchman, a replica set of Ranger dog tags, 2 Ranger patches, as well as a set of 4 collectible post cards.
[blockquote-0]The Spartan Edition is available as a standalone package or can also be purchased with a copy of the game itself in the Aurora Limited Edition, which includes an exclusive steelbook copy of the game, an art book, and the season pass for downloadable content.
[blockquote-1]Metro Exodus' Spartan Edition alone will set you back $149.99 while the dual package including the game's Aurora Edition will run you $234.99. Metro Exodus is set for release on February 22nd, 2019 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC.
More Reading

Trailer: Metro Exodus’ First DLC Goes Back to the Underground
Before you dive in, take a look at the Gamescom preview for the game's "The Two Colonels" content addition.

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