The PlayStation 4 May Soon Receive a Castlevania Collection
Two classic Castlevania titles may be getting a modern re-release.

PlayStation 4 fans may be getting a treat in the form of a Castlevania Collection featuring the classic Symphony of the Night as well as Rondo of Blood. Originally reported by IGN, a new game called Castlevania Requiem: Symphony of the Night & Rondo of Blood just received a rating from the Game Rating and Administrative Committee of Korea.
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night released on the original PlayStation back in 1997 and has gone down as a fan favorite. As the first "modern" Castlevania, the journey of Alucard to find Richter Belmont and stop Dracula once and for all has been revised several times over the years with digital releases on both PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.
Rondo of Blood, although not as popular due to its original release on the PC Engine Super CD-ROM2 in 1993, is nevertheless an important entry in the series. Serving as a prequel to Symphony of the Night, Rondo of Blood introduced series protagonist Richter Belmont and his eternal quest to slay Dracula. The game was later remade on the SNES as Dracula X in 1995, where it received a more widespread release that garnered broader fan appeal.
PlayStation 4 is the only console listed at this time, although the game could find its way to other systems as well. Similarly, both an English and Japanese language version of the game was reviewed by the rating committee, meaning a release in the West is very likely. No other information is currently known, but we will be sure to let you know as more details emerge.
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