House on Haunted Hill Finally Coming to Blu-ray

Scares guaranteed and won’t cost you a million dollars!

By Jay Gervais

Scream Factory has announced another title coming to Blu-ray for the very first time in North America, which is the 1999 film House on Haunted Hill. Check out their announcement below.


As mentioned in the announcement, the planned release date for this Blu-ray will be later this year on October 9th. If you pre-order from Shout! Factory directly, you’ll receive an 18" x 24" rolled poster of the newly-commissioned artwork by Joel Robinson. In addition, you’ll also receive your item two weeks ahead of its release date.

If you’re interested in ordering House on Haunted Hill on Blu-ray, visit Shout! Factory today!

Are you adding this one to your collection? It’s easy to interact with us in the comments and social media, so why not give it a try? We look forward to hearing from you soon.

About the Author

Jay Gervais

From small town to big city and back again, Jay was born and raised in Canada and has lived his whole life there. He’s always ready to cut down any misconceptions his American friends have of life in the great white north. He’s also no stranger to this kind of community, and has plenty of experience under his bed. He enjoys all kinds of horror entertainment, as long as it’s got the heart and soul to it. When he’s not doing something here, he can be found at his post at the night’s watch, or knee deep into his school studies.