Is Diablo 3 Coming to the Nintendo Switch?
All signs are pointing to a Switch version of the demonic dungeon crawler being in development.
By Chris Morse

It all started with a simple tweet, something fun posted by Blizzard Entertainment in the middle of the night. Sweet dreams, they told us, but we were kept up that night wondering what they really meant. Of course, the tweet came with a video. A simple night light being shut off and little more than that. However, this particular night light being switched off was Diablo himself!
[blockquote-0][scripttag-0]Perhaps it might be more accurate to say something is switching on over at Blizzard with respect to their widely-popular dungeon-crawling franchise, despite their denial claiming that this just-for-fun tweet had no hidden subtext. That was enough to put the rumors to rest for at least a little while, but we can consider them reignited today with what looks like a fairly-legitimate leak: an early retailer pre-order page for the Nintendo Switch version of Diablo 3 on CoolShop. Here's a screenshot in case the page goes down at some point:
So is it something or is it nothing? There is no official announcement yet but all signs are pointing to Diablo 3 going portable on the Nintendo Switch. Sooner or later, we're going to find out for real, and we'll be sure to share anything we learn. Dead Entertainment certainly has you covered in that department.
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