Try to Survive The First Purge's New Trailer

Witness the bloody origins of an American tradition.

By L.B. Lubomski

The First Purge is going back to where it all began in the first trailer for the fourth installment of the dystopian horror franchise. As a prequel, this film takes place on the night of the original trial Purge on Staten Island in New York City. The New Founding Fathers of America are seeking to eliminate crime the rest of the year by allowing citizens to "vent" during a 12-hour period of no laws where everything, including murder, is legal. However, it soon becomes apparent that things are not what they seem. It then becomes up to resident William (Y'Lan Noel) to organize the persecuted in order to fight back against the corruption and violence that has been forced on his neighborhood.


The First Purge is set to release on this year on the 4th of July. What are your thoughts on this latest Purge? Will you be checking it out or do you feel this series is past its prime? Let us know and stay tuned for more horror movie news.

About the Author

L.B. Lubomski

Lawrence "L.B." Lubomski is an avid horror movie fan, gamer, musician, historian, and aspiring author. Born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, L.B. was exposed to the works of local filmmaker and godfather of zombie cinema George A. Romero early on. He has since developed a particular fondness for Italian zombie/cannibal and slasher films. This passion for horror extends into other media, from survival horror video games such as Resident Evil to horror-inspired musical artists. In his spare time, L.B. pursues many interests including building his collection of vinyl records, action figures, and vintage video games as well as drumming in various local bands.