Phantasm's Don Coscarelli to Release Memoir

You can now pre-order the upcoming memoir from the mastermind behind the Phantasm films.

By L.B. Lubomski

Image via Don Coscarelli / CC BY

Don Coscarelli, the creator, writer, director, and producer of the Phantasm film franchise has finished his tell-all book based on his life's work. Pre-orders are live for this upcoming memoir titled True Indie: Life & Death in Film Making.


Based on just that description alone, I'm sold! True Indie is set to release on October 2nd, 2018 and will be available as a physical hardcover for $30 or digitally for $15 USD. I'll be honest, while I'm not usually much of a reader, this book seems very interesting. At 320 total pages, it seems to be chock full of both entertaining stories as well as cautionary tales, tricks, and tips for aspiring filmmakers. Besides, everyone likes a good underdog story.


About the Author

L.B. Lubomski

Lawrence "L.B." Lubomski is an avid horror movie fan, gamer, musician, historian, and aspiring author. Born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, L.B. was exposed to the works of local filmmaker and godfather of zombie cinema George A. Romero early on. He has since developed a particular fondness for Italian zombie/cannibal and slasher films. This passion for horror extends into other media, from survival horror video games such as Resident Evil to horror-inspired musical artists. In his spare time, L.B. pursues many interests including building his collection of vinyl records, action figures, and vintage video games as well as drumming in various local bands.