Friday the 13th: The Game Goes Back to Pinehurst
Latest game trailer shows off a new Jason skin and map.
By M.T. Bates
After the minor news we just got regarding to buffing Jason to make him more imposing, we just got our first look at some more new content coming to the game in the form of the trailer above.
Underwhelming wasn’t it? We saw some of the new Pinehurst map from Part V, as well as a preview of the new Part V Jason/Roy skin along with his weapon, a pair of hedge clippers. There was no information on the new game mode, Paranoia, which is what fans wanted to see next. This update drops on January 30th, but I don't believe it's going to save a dying game. I am not going to display any kind of fanboy hype for an update to a broken game.
Content is great, don’t get me wrong, but balances and polishing should be priority right now. It is sad to see this game going down the road it is. I’ll take a look at the update when it drops in a few days on my YouTube stream, but I don’t expect it to bring me back into the game.
What do you guys think? Is this update enough to suck you back into the game, or are you going to let Jason rest?
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