Slashin' Around, the Christmas Tree

Nature enacts vengeance after centuries of Holiday genocide in Jason Eisener’s “Treevenge.”

By Ray Morse

During the Holidays, it's easy to take the simpler aspects of life for granted. With everyone frantically preoccupied with making what should be a more symbolic celebration into a chaotic mess of consumerism, we often lose sight on important things like helping the less fortunate, caring for those in need, and respecting the environment. The latter of which is a staggeringly neglected concept amid the yuletide insanity and probably most detrimental to our society.

At any given moment, there are close to 350 million tree seedlings being raised for an eventual slaughter in order to feed the world’s rabid Christmas Tree demand. In the United States alone, approximately 30 million living trees a year are sentenced to death, bound and eventually sold to the highest bidder to do with what they please.

In November of 2007, filmmaker and environmentalist, Jason Eisener, set out to tell a tale unlike any we’ve seen before. A tale that dares to ask the question, “How would the world look if Mother Nature did the chopping during the Holiday Season?” Beautifully directed by Eisener from a script he co-wrote with Rob Cotterill, Treevenge graphically details the experiences and horrifying reality of the forgotten Holiday victims. That is, of course, until the tables turn and retribution is sought.

Boasting numerous festival accolades globally, Treevenge was a massive success for cast & crew alike, and has earned its rightful place in the lexicon of must-watch, Holiday Horror film classics.

END THE GENOCIDE NOW! Visit for more information.

About the Author

Ray Morse

Filmmaker. Podcaster. Writer. Geek. "A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die." Raised in the wastelands of New Jersey, Ray Morse is a passionate film enthusiast/maker and aspiring creative. When he is not embodying the essence of the Mungus on his weekly live podcast or consuming mass amounts of cinema/television, he can be found re-writing his Dead Entertainment bio, avoiding general responsibility, and talking at length about the things he plans to do instead of doing them.