RoboCop Decommissioned After Recent Shooting Sparks Public Outcry Over Police Violence
In the wake of calls to reduce police funding in favor of community reforms, the law enforcement cyborg has been taken off the streets.

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DETROIT – Motor City is reeling in the wake of another officer-involved shooting of an unarmed suspect during routine policing, which has renewed public outcry over racially-charged law enforcement violence across the nation. This week's incident occurred in Metro West during an otherwise unremarkable traffic stop after a man, identified as Lenny Banks, was pulled over for not using a signal while making a left turn. According to witnesses at the scene, cyborg officer RoboCop approached the vehicle with a weapon already drawn as the situation quickly escalated out of control.
"The guy was only reaching for his papers when RoboCop drew a gun and pulled him right out of his car," recalled bystander Carla Monroe. "He must have believed his suspect was going for a weapon, but you could tell he was just scared as soon as he saw that gun out. It looked like he was trying to defend himself and flee when RoboCop shouted 'Dead or alive, you're coming with me!' before opening fire. You can't sit here and tell me there was any kind of deescalation effort. This is just plain wrong."
While RoboCop has been celebrated over the years for his crime-fighting history, such as taking down the notorious gangster Clarence Boddicker, public support for the law enforcement cyborg has waned recently. Changing priorities and local politics has relegated the former hero to basic police work, particularly traffic stops in which his programming offers little to no leeway with respect to giving warnings for less egregious offenses, such as going over the speed limit by just one mile per hour. This rigid approach has proven to be contentious, especially with regard to his fatal encounter with Banks.
"You have to know I'm going to back my guys 100%," said Chief of Police Michael Hedgecock during a chaotic press conference following the incident. "There are many unsubstantiated rumors swirling around the city claiming that RoboCop acted aggressively or stated that he was going to kill the suspect, but I trust the facts are going to come out soon and people are going to know they were wrong about our cyborg officer and his programming. In the meantime, however, the city of Detroit has once again acted rashly without all of the facts and passed emergency legislation to reduce the budget of our police force, which will only make the public less safe. Effective immediately, RoboCop has been decommissioned."
While the city's move to reduce law enforcement funding in favor of reformed efforts to tackle community problems at the systemic level was intended to have a more widespread impact on the police force, the shifting of money around, coupled with shutting down RoboCop, was apparently enough to get the department's budget under its new thresholds. As such, we expect this move will have very little impact on day-to-day policing apart from RoboCop no longer being an active part of the force. Keeping the cyborg officer on duty and well-maintained was apparently a great financial strain on the already-bloated police budget. Nonetheless, the department still insists the city will be less safe now.
At press time, Detroit's protests raged on as citizens continued to demand justice for the killing of Lenny Banks in spite of the fact that RoboCop has already been disassembled. Meanwhile, the research and development team at Omni Consumer Products was hard at work recovering the remaining pieces of the cyborg in an effort to create an even more efficient law enforcement officer of the future.
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