Flattening the Curve: Texas Man Creating Homemade Face Masks to Help Fight Pandemic
If only more people went out of their way to help our country overcome these scary and difficult times.

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ROSEBUD - With the COVID-19 pandemic in full swing and not showing any signs of slowing down, responsible Texas residents are taking it upon themselves to encourage positive behavior in their communities, particularly with respect to wearing face coverings and practicing social distancing. Falls County resident Bubba Sawyer has witnessed people he knew fall to the virus, including loved ones, so he's taking this situation seriously and doing his part to see it beaten.
"As you probably know, Texans are some of those people who didn't take this pandemic seriously enough in the beginning," Sawyer explained to a group of reporters. "Now, I get it. We all love our freedom out here. But we're also Americans. We love winning and I wanted to do my part to get that win, so I've gotten to work on making face masks to help keep this darned virus at bay."
Throughout the past several weeks, Sawyer has been hard at work creating full face coverings of many styles, fit for people of all skin colors and facial types. What's even more remarkable is how he's been doing all this while his community has not only been battered with a virus outbreak, but is also dealing with mysterious disappearances that county residents believe may be tied to a serial killer.
Needless to say, times have been tough in Rosebud, Texas, but this independent artisan's handiwork remains a bright spot in an otherwise bleak and dreary landscape. Even those skeptical about using masks are beginning to come around to the idea of supporting an American-made product created in their own backyard, fostering a certain level of patriotism through supporting Sawyer's business.
"If you asked me about masks three months ago, I would have told you to get the hell away from me, and not because of social distancing either," said Franklin Hardesty, another area local who showed up to the press event excited to meet the mask maker. "I don't like being told what to do, but when I heard somebody here in Rosebud was making face masks, I had to come out here and see it for myself, and maybe even support this man's small business. Seems like he's doing great work."
Another resident, Lyle Brown, who has been anxiously awaiting news on his missing brother, also spoke positively about Sawyer's work. "It's been real tough these days, both with the pandemic and these disappearances," he lamented. "But I'm ready to do my part for my town and I'm excited to see what kind of mask I can buy today to fight back, you know? We need something to be proud of these days. It's been way too hard. These masks look so lifelike too."
As we walked with Brown looking over the selection of full head and face coverings being showcased, he suddenly stopped to look over a particular mask on display, almost as though it somehow appeared familiar to him. Whatever its aesthetic or practical appeal may be, you could bet this responsible citizen and any of his fellow county residents who buy masks will be that much safer in the weeks ahead.
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